Drainage Work Performed by IBTS

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Storm Drain Repair

Completed Work Orders for FY23 (7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023)

1,388 Work Orders

Backfill/Dressup=24 work orders; including low lying areas within right-of-way and areas of previous storm drain repairs once settled.

Off-Road Drainage Projects=7 work orders; over 8,000 linear feet of off-road drainage have been cleared.

Roadside Drainage Projects=14 work orders; roadside drainage has been excavated in 13 subdivisions.

Culvert Clean Out=38 work orders; culverts clogged with leaves, silt and dirt have been cleared.

DOTD=13 work orders; including culvert clean outs, litter control, miscellaneous, potholes, traffic signs and tree removals.

Drainage Maintenance=80 work orders; Excavating roadside drainage to clear blockages, including dirt and sediment.

EBR=6 work orders; including culvert clean outs, litter control, miscellaneous, potholes, traffic signs and tree removals.

Erosion Control=13 work orders; matting is used to prevent further erosion in most areas.

Herbicide Treatment=1 work order; using approved treatment, the bottoms of drainage ditches/canals are sprayed.

Litter Control=57 work orders; litter and debris is removed from roadside and medians.

Miscellaneous=47 work orders; including event activities such as staging, setting, and removal of barricades, tents, putting up banners as well as sanding bridges.

Off-Road Drainage Maintenance=21 work orders; off road excavating and clearing blockages per request by homeowners. 

Off-Road Weed eating=202 work orders; weed eating and removing debris from off road drainage.

Pothole Patching=165 work orders; cutting and removal of old roadway and replacing with rock asphalt.

Roadside Weed eating=293 work orders; weed eating and debris removal from roadside drainage.

Shoulder Repairs=18 work orders; ruts and erosion of roadways are filled in with material to prevent hazards.

Storm Drain Repairs=156 work orders; repair or replace culverts as needed, as well as sealing catch basins.

Storm Related=117 work orders; hot spots throughout the city are checked before rain events for debris that will prevent positive flow of drainage during storms.

Traffic Signs= 84 work orders; this includes replacing missing signs, putting signs back up and straighten signs, such as stop signs, street name signs, speed limit signs and "no dumping" signs.

Tree Removal=32 work orders; removing fallen trees, limbs and debris from drainage canals.


  • Ridgewood Subdivision

  • Bellingrath Subdivision

  • Washington Lane

  • Huntley Subdivision

  • Biltmore Subdivision

  • Monhegan Subdivision

  • Arleen/Watson Farms Subdivision

  • Magnolia Bend Subdivision

  • Evergreen Hills Subdivision

  • Winchester Subdivision

  • Woodland View Subdivision

  • Carmel Acres Subdivision

  • Shoe Creek Drive


  • Brown Rd, Phases 1, 2 and 3

  • Biltmore Subdivision

  • Alford Acres

  • Greenwell Springs-Port Hudson

  • Chateau Roux Place

  • Blackwater Rd Near Carey Rd.


  • Preventative maintenance, including checking hot spots throughout the city for debris blocking culverts and drainage.

  • Litter Control, including pickup trash and debris from right of way and medians.

  • Removal of trees and debris blocking the flow line of the drainage ditches.

  • Storm Drain Repairs including repairing or replacing culverts as needed.