Planning & Zoning
Please contact (225) 262-5000 and speak to the Planning Department for guidance with planning & zoning procedures and required applications. Staff highly recommends pre-application conferences to discuss proposed developments or subdivisions. Staff will offer comments to the applicant and/or developer in an effort to make each development more compatible with surrounding uses, city codes, and the Master Plan.
Planning & Zoning Applications
Completed applications can be emailed to
Planning & Zoning Commissions
The Planning & Zoning Commissions (P&Z) hear requests for conditional use permits, planned unit developments, rezonings, site plans, and subdivisions. The Commissions generally meet on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm at Central School Board Office, 11576 Sullivan Road, Central, LA 70818.
Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment (BOA) hears request for variances to the City of Central Comprehensive Zoning and Development Codes. The Board generally meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 5:00 pm at Central School Board Office, 11576 Sullivan Road, Central, LA 70818.